Saturday, June 11, 2005

if i were to attempt to capture
how i'm feeling with a single word
would do nicely.

have been following the debate over giving maids 4 days off a month. I'm appalled. Singaporeans are disgusting. The way they talk about maids! There is this underlying assumption that they are inferior, that being treated like a slave here is infinetly better than the life they would have back home. Saying they would "get into trouble" if given too many off days. Translated: "It is right and good for me to impose on another person's liberty, especially if they are maids, cos maids arent really people, they can be bought like pets from glass displays, what. besides, they're lazy and full of mischief, they're all of the same ilk, and we must treat them harshly even if they've not given us any reason to think that they are actually lazy and full of mischief. you know, i had a friend who's maid stole all her money and then got pregnant and... blahblahblah" The scariest part is that these people actually think they're right. Even in the more moderate(ie. less overwhelmingly stupid) letters to the editor, there is this sickening self-centeredness and blind and irrational prejudice, no, BIGOTRY. The way i see some kids scold their maids in public, no doubt modelled on bad behaviour from their parents, don't even think about getting the parents to correct them. No respect at all for another human being! So degrading! Some times i'd just like to go up there and let them have a piece of my mind, but it wont change them. Louts! Just 4 days off a month, we already complain about infringement of the 5-day work week thingy. Would you even dare say that to your housewife mum? No you lazy bugger! You only get one day off per month, and that's only because the law says so! (Keeping in mind that many maids are in fact mothers to children of their own in their respective countries) SICKENING! This is the absolutely most disgusting thing about Singaporeans, their selfishness! URGH!

yes, i am random.


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